Data Addiction is a Microsoft delivery partner.

We deliver business value using Microsoft Data, AI, D365, and Azure solutions. We advise our clients using our capabilities in strategy, we build solutions in Data, AI, D365, and Azure, and we manage these solutions on an ongoing basis.

We are a Microsoft delivery partner providing services on:


Many of our customers either need to rearchitect a legacy data warehouse or are about to start their first journey in the data and analytics space. We specialise in building solutions that take advantage of modern data and artificial intelligence technologies to reduce costs and allow our customers to better serve their customers’ needs.


AI means a lot of things to a lot of people. We specialise in AI and OpenAI solutions.

Our AI services are predictive analytics and hypothesis testing using advanced machine learning, IoT, cognitive services and deep learning. We work with our customers to understand the problem they are trying to solve first, then use the tools in Azure to rapidly prove out value and scale.

We have seen growth in OpenAI and understand that the future of value creation lies in harnessing the power of OpenAI. Navigating the landscape of OpenAI can be challenging for many companies, and that's where we come in - as leaders in Microsoft Data and AI in the Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) region, we specialise in guiding businesses through the intricacies of OpenAI to unlock its full potential.

D365 Customer Engagement

We deliver D365 Customer Experience solutions using Customer Insights, Marketing, Power Platform, Sales and Customer Service. What differentiates us is our ability to make these solutions more intelligent with Data & AI.

The key to success in a shifting paradigm – Turning data & insights into action:

Get customer data into 1 place.

Provide users with tools to interact with their data.

Empower users to segmentation customers.

Find insights that improve service levels to people in need.

Personalise the marketing message to your customers.


Moving to Azure is always a challenge for any organisation. We pride ourselves on working with customers to find the most modern, optimal architecture that not only suits their current organisation but their future also. Be it small or large, we’re here to help.

Our services for Azure include:

Creating and optimising landing zones.

Application migration.

Application development.

Application integration.

Managed Services

Building a great solution is only the first step in the journey, managing it on an ongoing basis is vital in accelerating return on investment and user experience.

Our managed services capability is aligned to ITIL and has the following elements:

Operational readiness and onboarding: assess the solutions and stakeholders ability to adopt the solution and establish the processes required for post go-live.

Service operations: activities that the team deliver to support or enhance the solution.

Ongoing base support: monitoring and managing changes on the platform.

Account management: management of the relationships, commercials and resourcing of the service Microsoft CSP.

We use the power of Microsoft Azure to…

1. Tell you what happened and why

Slice and dice your data using the worlds best tools.

Find insights into the underlying trends in your business.

Work with you to hypothesize why important events occur.

2. Tell you something you don't know

Mine all types of data, be they structured or unstructured, to reveal hidden insights.

Use external data to benchmark your performance against others.

Use Data & AI techniques to show how your customers are interacting with you.

3. Tell you what's about to happen

Use machine learning to give you insights into key events that are likely to happen so you can intervene before it’s too late. e.g. customer churn.

Use advanced ‘what-if’ techniques to forecast multiple possible future scenarios.

4. Help you get ROI, fast

Enhance your organisation’s data skills.

Tell success stories about the Data & AI scenarios you have delivered and the impact that you have made.